Rapid Transit
Our commitment to Keep SA Moving also includes plans for Advanced Rapid Transit, or ART, which is a modern public transportation system that delivers fast, reliable service with 10- to 15-minute frequencies. It features dedicated rapid transit lanes, signal priority, off-board fare collection and stations spaced farther apart.
An ART North/South line is already underway and is planned to run from the airport, along San Pedro Avenue, through Downtown to near Mission Concepción. ART service is expected to start in 2027.
A Better Bus
Our better bus system is created to increase frequencies on all routes to 30 minutes or better, add more evening, late-night and weekend service and introduce new first/last-mile connections to expand service for all riders.
VIA Link
VIA Link’s app-based ride-share service is a whole new way to experience public transportation in San Antonio.
Riders can book a VIA Link trip where they are and when they need it — like Uber or Lyft, but at VIA prices. It’s a more efficient option in specific areas where bus service is a challenge.
Wait times are typically less than 10 minutes, and service is now available in three zones in San Antonio, with five more zones being added in 2022.