Now We’re

Learn more about how VIA’s projects will Keep SA Moving.

Keep SA Moving is a voter-approved collection of projects designed to improve mobility for all San Antonians

The Keep SA Moving Mission

Moving more people faster and farther.

The Keep SA Moving Pledge

In San Antonio, we have jobs to do and places to go. That’s why we designed an even better transit system with you in mind. Because whether you ride with us or not, moving more people faster and farther strengthens our community. And that gets us all where we need to go.

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What’s in
The Plan

When voters said YES to the KSAM plan, they said YES to:

  • Innovative transit solutions like VIA Link on-demand service zones
  • A rapid transit system designed to move quickly through key corridors
  • A better bus system with reduced wait times, easier trips and expanded real-time information.


30 minutes or better frequency for almost all routes during weekday peak and off-peak times
300 square miles of expanded VIA Link ride-share service
5 mobility hubs that connect bus service to ride-share service
4 corridors of Advanced Rapid Transit in planning phase
1 new, modern maintenance facility for 150+ vehicles

We’re Moving on Key Projects Now

See How We’re Moving