Better Bus

What is the Better Bus Plan?

The Better Bus Plan is an evaluation of the VIA transit network to better fit the changing needs of our growing region and get you to where you want to go faster.

With input from the community, riders, businesses, bus operators and VIA’s Board, the Better Bus Plan is VIA’s commitment to deliver higher-frequency service across the fixed-route bus and VIA Link network.

The Better Bus Plan is designed to strengthen VIA’s transit system through thoughtful design enhancements, expanding and refining VIA Link services, and exploring additional innovative transit solutions.

Why is the Better Bus Plan needed?

San Antonio is growing, and with that comes increased roadway congestion. By 2040, there will be an estimated 1 million new vehicles on our region’s roadways, and the average travel time for commuters will increase by 82%. Providing public transportation that is attractive and accessible to more people can help mitigate the increase in gridlock in the region.


new vehicles on roadways by 2040


increased travel time

As the region changes, VIA must adapt its service to meet new demands and challenges. That’s why, as part of Keep SA Moving (KSAM), VIA sought — and received — federal funding to study both the changes in travel patterns after the global coronavirus pandemic, and as the service levels on its route network. This work will help VIA increase ridership and improve the quality of its service, benefiting the entire region.

The Better Bus Plan will identify potential changes to VIA’s transit services that would improve efficiency and better connect more people to opportunities.

The Better Bus Plan Goals

As part of Keep SA Moving, the Better Bus Plan goals align with the KSAM principles of simple, direct, frequent, and convenient transit service:

The Better Bus Plan Timeline

*Project schedule subject to change

Give us your feedback on VIA’s transit network to improve frequency and better fit the needs of our growing region.