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Better Bus

What is the Better Bus Plan?

VIA’s Better Bus Plan is designed to deliver faster, more direct service on traditional bus routes and expand VIA Link on-demand service by evaluating VIA’s existing services to identify potential changes that could improve our transit system and create more options to get you where you want to go.

Shorter wait times

17% more people have access to high frequency (20-minutes or better) transit service.

Better service area-wide

Almost 50% of people experience an increase in their level of service during peak and midday periods.

Improved acess to job opportunities

There are 44% more jobs accessible across the VIA service area within 30 minutes on transit.

Better transit access

Low-income and minority communities have access to at least two more grocery stores during midday within 30-minutes on transit.

Minimal impact to existing stops

Less than 1% of ridership would lose service to existing bus stops.


Better Bus Plan Goals

The goal of the Better Bus Plan is to deliver faster, more direct service on traditional bus routes and expand the VIA Link on-demand service network.

Better Bus Plan goals align with the Keep San Antonio Moving (KSAM) principles of simple, direct, frequent and convenient transit:

Decrease wait times across network to 30 minutes or less

Provide more frequent service on key corridors

Connect people with faster, more direct service

Make service simpler and easier to use

Make transit available when and where it is needed

Percentage of Route by Frequency

Graphical image using peak and off-peak pie charts to display values

With the Better Bus Plan, every route would offer service every 30 minutes or less between 6 a.m. and 7 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekends.

Supporting Equitable Transit Access

A majority of VIA’s riders use the bus to get to work. Almost 60% of riders don’t have a car in the household, so they rely on affordable, efficient transit to make a living.

Increasing accessibility and mobility is crucial to ensuring equitable access to opportunities for people and communities across San Antonio

Nurse Huskin No Mask

Driven by Community Input

Attend a community event or sign up for updates to stay informed and join the Keep SA Moving conversation.

Benefits of a Better Bus

Through proposed service enhancements to VIA’s bus network, expanding VIA Link on-demand services, and exploring other innovative solutions, the Better Bus Plan would better connect more people to the places they want to go. These improvements are designed to provide riders across the city with more access to job opportunities, education, health care and other essential destinations.

Better Bus improvements will make 40% more job opportunities accessible by public transit during peak hours.

There will be 47% more grocery stores accessible during the day for low-income populations and 63% for minority populations.

Better Bus Plan Draft Bus Network Interactive Map

Use the map below to explore the Better Bus Plan’s proposed draft bus network. Click here to view individual route profiles and learn what potential changes are proposed for each route under the Better Bus Plan.

How to use the interactive map: To explore the map, the routes are organized in the list (top/left) by their route numbers. If you need help finding your route, you can use the search (magnifying glass icon near the top/right) by their existing numbers or by searching your destination’s address for the proposed new route number.

If you are having trouble viewing the above map in your browser or on your mobile device, click here to view to the map in full screen.

Meeting the Demands of a Growing City

As San Antonio grows, VIA must adapt to meet new demands and challenges. That’s why VIA sought and received federal funding to study the changes in travel patterns after the global coronavirus pandemic and the effects on the VIA transit network and create potential solutions.

San Antonio skyline

The Better Bus Plan Timeline

Graphic of timeline for the Better Bus plan from 2023-2029

*Project schedule subject to change

Questions or comments?

Our Better Bus Plan relies on community input to identify riders’ most pressing needs. Help us shape the future of transit in San Antonio by sharing your thoughts on the Better Bus plan.